List of Works
For Orchestra:
Symphony No.1 2015 For Orchestra 13’30”
Samsara 2016 For Orchestra 10’51”
Lotus 2018 For Orchestra 10’54’’
For Large Ensemble:
It is still dark 2015 For Flute, Bassoon, Violin, Violin Cello, Piano, Percussion 8’57”
Let there be light 2015 For 7 Instruments 8’10”
For Chamber:
Inception 2014 Flute and Violin Cello 4’02”
Resonance of Silent 2014 String Quartet 4’32”
Rudiment 2016 For String Quartet 11’37”
Hanahubuki 2017 For Kokyu (or Violin), Piano and Cello 7’31”
Immensity 2018 For Brass Quintet 10’31”
Meditation on the drifting stars 2018 For String Quintet 5’15”
Haze 2018 For Violin, Viola and Oboe 5’28”
For Voice:
Prelude to Water Melody, Huangzhou Kuaizai Pavilion for Zhang Woquan 2016 For
Baritone (or Mezzo Soprano) and Piano 8’22”
The “Triumph” of Artificial Intelligence (In Progress) For Voice Ensemble
I. Beautiful, Taste, Art, Desire (The Defeat) 2017 (7’16”)
(Feuersnot 2017 instrumental version for Flute, Clarinet, Bass Drum, Piano, Violin and Violoncello)
II. Exhaustion, Logically, Fast! Cognition, Stable, Permanent! (The Victory) 2019 (3’40”)
III. Apocalypse (The Paradox) (In Progress)
For Solo Instrument:
Metamorphosis 2016 For Violin Solo 5’44”