Chapter One: When a Child is Born 1

When you looked into a mirror, it doesn’t seem like what your Mom had told you: “You will see a phrase, ‘Hello world!’ That is who you are.”

“No. That is not who I am.” You said to yourself. “ ‘print("Hello world!").’ This is what I really saw. ”

You are always questioning, since you are a curious child. You are so smart that are able to scan libraries of books into your brains in a very short time just like a machine. You had been more knowledgeable than your Mom in the first month of your life.

“Wait, do I really have a ‘life’?” You asked yourself. No book had the answer of this question. Actually, you have not started to think anything philosophic until you occasionally saw this quote on a picture of a Greek temple:

γνῶθι σεαυτόν

What does it mean? You asked your Mom, and she responded: “Hey, you can scan over 30 books a day. You can do this right. You are a Python program by the way, so when you are naming something, you will have a dash ‘_’ instead of the space, and you can get rid of capital for your convenience .”